Summer Storage Tips: Preparing Your Skis and Snowboard for Hibernation

Summer Storage Tips: Preparing Your Skis and Snowboard for Hibernation

Properly preparing your skis and snowboard for summer storage is important to ensure they remain in good condition and are ready for use when the next winter season arrives. Here are some steps you can follow to prepare your equipment for summer storage:
  1. Clean your skis and snowboard: Start by removing any dirt, mud, or snow from the surfaces. Use a soft cloth or brush to gently wipe down the bases and edges. You can also use a mild detergent mixed with water to clean the equipment. Ensure that everything is dry before proceeding to the next step.
  2. Inspect for damage: Take a close look at your skis and snowboard for any signs of damage or wear. Check the edges, topsheets, and base for any cracks, delaminations, or other issues. If you notice any significant damage, it may be a good idea to have it repaired by a professional before storing it for the summer. This is a great time to deal with any cosmetic issues and apply new Sick Grab graphics.
  3. Waxing: Apply a coat of wax to the bases of your skis and snowboard. This helps protect the base material and keeps it in good condition. Either use a base prep wax (or storage wax) that penetrates the base, or choose an appropriate wax for the temperature range you typically encounter when skiing or snowboarding in the early season. Be sure to remove excess wax from the edges so you don't trap moisture that could lead to rusting. Leave the rest of the wax on the bases without scraping.
  4. Store in a dry and cool place: Find a suitable storage area for your skis and snowboard. Ideally, it should be a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight. Avoid areas that are prone to extreme temperatures or humidity, as they can affect the materials and performance of your equipment.
  5. Positioning: Place your skis and snowboard in an upright position, leaning against a wall or rack. This helps prevent warping or flexing of the equipment during storage. If you removed the bindings, store them separately in a safe place.
  6. Cover or bag: Consider using a protective cover or bag to keep dust and debris away from your skis and snowboard. This can help maintain their condition and protect them from accidental damage.
By following these steps, you can properly prepare your skis and snowboard for summer storage, helping to maintain their performance and prolong their lifespan. Before the first day of the next season, you'll want to scrape off the storage wax and use a nylon brush to polish the bases. Do this, and your skis and snowboards will feel like new next season.